Puppies for Sale and Vizsla Rescue
We rescue Vizslas in need
To join the waiting list for a puppy, please fill out a
questionnaire and email it to us!
When you buy a puppy you are buying a part of our family. Our puppies are the focus of our time, love, and energy for the first eight weeks of their lives, and they represent our commitment to and knowledge of Vizslas.
All of our puppies come from healthy, loving parents with sound bodies and temperaments. Their dam and sire are our family pets, not kennel dogs.
We rescue Vizslas in need!
Please fill out this questionnaire
and email it to DallasTXVizslas@gmail.com
to be eligible for adopting
a Vizsla rescue!
You can also call 817-999-9317
for more information.
All Photographs are the property of Dallas Vizslas and may not be copied nor reused.